Canadaland is an audience-supported, independent news and podcast company that consistently produces some of the best audio journalism in Canada. Through the ongoing support of a growing community of over 10,000 supporters, we provide more than 10 million listeners a year with free, high-quality audio content focused on media, news, current affairs, politics, culture, and original investigations.
Transparency Reports
Between our weekly flagship show, our slate of popular continuing series, and our critically-acclaimed limited series, our journalism has become renowned in Canada and internationally, for telling compelling stories not otherwise told, giving voice to perspectives not otherwise heard, and for sparking needed conversations about the country's past, present, and future.
Canadaland is:
Noor Azrieh
Producer, COMMONS and The Backbench
Alan Black
Chief Operating Officer
Jesse Brown
Publisher/Host, CANADALAND and Short Cuts
Tristan Capacchione
Audio Editor & Technical Producer
Max Collins
Production Manager
Jordan Cornish
Producer, COMMONS
Jonathan Goldsbie
News Editor (on leave)
Mia Johnson
Journalism Fellow
Sam Konnert
Maya Kotlarenko
Operations Manager
Lucie Laumonier
Producer, Détours
Aviva Lessard
Arshy Mann
Host/Producer, COMMONS
James Nicholson
Producer, Short Cuts
Emily McPhail
Communications & Audience Engagement Coordinator
Emilie Nicolas
Host, Détours
Kevin O'Keefe
Karyn Pugliese
Mattea Roach
Host, The Backbench
Leora Schertzer
Journalism Fellow
Cherise Seucharan
Julie Shapiro
Executive Producer
Dory Smith
Head of Sponsorship & Advertising
Caleb Thompson
Audio Editor
Bruce Thorson
Senior Producer, CANADALAND
Jessica Vallentin
Audience Development Manager
Tony Wang
Digital Content Producer
Kim Wheeler
Producer, canadaLANDBACK
Contact Us
  • Mailing Address
    376–401 Richmond St. West
    Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
  • News Tips, Pitches, Corrections, and Complaints
  • Podcast Pitches, Corrections, and Complaints
  • Subscriber-Related Questions
  • Advertising
  • “smug, loud-mouthed...
 easy to dislike” —Toronto Star
    “Fake news... It shames the profession.” —Christie Blatchford
    “Self-styled media critics” —The Globe and Mail
    “Haters... the malevolent” —Amanda Lang
    “Libelous bilge... I thought Canadaland was a serious outfit.” —Conrad Black
    “Unwashed gossip bloggers” —Faith Goldy
    “Icky” —Terry Milewski
    Canadaland is a member of the National NewsMedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practises and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or, for additional information, call toll-free at 1-844-877-1163. CANADALAND is published by Jesse Brown. To contact him, email To express concerns about the site, provide notification of possible copyright infringement, or voice any other complaints, please contact