FAQ for Paid Subscribers

Hi! Thank you for supporting Canadaland. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

If you have questions about managing your paid subscription, read on.

If you’re looking to start a new subscription, you might find this page more helpful. And if you have a different sort of question — or a fun, juicy news tip — have a look at our contact page.

Are you signed up to support Canadaland but aren’t sure how? Let’s help you figure it out! 

How am I subscribed?

We offer Canadaland via two different subscription platforms: Supercast and Patreon. You can use the chart below to determine which one you used to create your subscription.

You signed up……through the episode notes on your podcast player or directly through our website…through the Patreon website.
Fees appear on your statement as……“CANADALAND MEDIA.”…“PATREON* Membership,” “CKO Patreon* Membership,” or “PAYPAL *PATREON IN.”
Your monthly bill comes……on the same day of the month on which you originally signed up.…on the 1st of each month.
You get your ad-free shows……on individual feeds.…all together on one feed.
Supercast troubleshootingPatreon troubleshooting

Troubleshooting for Supercast

How do I access my ad-free feed(s) on Supercast?

When you sign up for a paid subscription through Supercast, you will receive a welcome email (subject line: “You have subscribed!”) which will include:

• your custom RSS link(s) for ad-free podcasts
• a link to create your Supercast password and manage your subscription
• a form to receive your physical benefits, if eligible

If you have any issues adding your ad-free podcast feeds to your podcast player, please see this Supercast guide to accessing your ad-free feed. A full list of compatible podcast apps can be found here.

How do I change or cancel my Supercast subscription?

Click here for full instructions from Supercast.

Can’t find what you’re looking for on the Supercast Subscriber Support page? Reach out to us at support@canadaland.com.

How do I get my Canadaland swag?

If you signed up for a subscription at $7/month or higher, you will qualify for Canadaland swag!

After successfully subscribing on the Supercast platform, you will receive a welcome email (subject line “You have subscribed!”) which will include a link to a Google form. This form is where you will submit your shipping information.

You will receive an email from us when your swag is being shipped and should expect to receive it about a month after completing the form.

If you have any questions about your Canadaland swag, please email Emily at support@canadaland.com.

I want my support to remain anonymous.

We like to thank our supporters at the beginning of our episodes, but only if they want us to!

If you are signed up for a $7+ subscription, the Google form in your welcome email has an option for you to state your preference. Let us know if you would like to be name-dropped in our Shout Outs, or if you would prefer to be on our “Do Not Mention” list, which means your name will not be mentioned at the beginning of one of our episodes (unless your name happens to also be “Jesse Brown”).

If you like to check things thrice and make triple-sure your name won’t be mentioned due to human error (it’s rare, but has happened), please email emily@canadaland.com. You will be diligently assured your name will not be read at the top of one of our episodes.

Is my subscription eligible for a tax credit?

As Canadaland doesn’t solicit or accept government media subsidies, we haven’t applied to the Canada Revenue Agency for approval as a “qualified Canadian journalism organization.” Even if we did have such status, however, the subscriptions we offer probably wouldn’t qualify, as the digital news subscription tax credit is limited to content that takes a primarily written form.

I still need help. Can I talk to a real person?

Yes! Drop a line to our patron coordinator at emily@canadaland.com. You can expect a response within one to three days.

Troubleshooting for Patreon

How do I access my ad-free feed on Patreon?

When you sign up to support Canadaland through Patreon at $5/month (USD) or more, Patreon will send you a welcome email which includes the link to access your ad-free podcast feed!

Full instructions from Patreon, including information about your private ad-free RSS feed, podcast players it’s compatible with, and general troubleshooting can be found here.

How do I change or cancel my Patreon subscription?

If you would like to change or cancel your subscription at any time, please see the Patreon Support page for “Editing My Membership.”

Can’t find what you are looking for on the Patreon Support page? Reach out to us at support@canadaland.com.

How can I update my payment currency?

As of January 2021, Patreon switched from only offering subscriptions in USD to also offering payments in your local currency. Instructions for updating your billing currency can be found here.

How do I get my Canadaland swag?

When you sign up to support Canadaland through Patreon, you select a specific “tier” to support us at. Each tier includes special benefits, such as the ad-free podcast feed or a Canadaland t-shirt. If you have signed up for a tier that includes physical benefits which are size-specific, we will be sending you an email to confirm your sizing. If your benefits are not size-specific, you will be receiving an email once they have shipped!

All of our physical benefits are shipped using Canada Post.

If you don’t want to receive the physical benefits associated with your tier, please select the circle next to “I prefer not to receive benefits from Canadaland through the mail.” You’ll still get the podcasts.

If you believe you should have received benefits but have not gotten an email, please let us know! Send an email to support@canadaland.com.

I want my support to remain anonymous.

We like to thank our supporters at the beginning of our episodes, but only if they want us to!

If you would like to remain anonymous, please send an email to emily@canadaland.com with the subject line “Do Not Mention.”

You can also edit the name associated with your membership to a pseudonym for additional anonymity while using Patreon message or comment boards.

Is my subscription eligible for a tax credit?

As Canadaland doesn’t solicit or accept government media subsidies, we haven’t applied to the Canada Revenue Agency for approval as a “qualified Canadian journalism organization.” Even if we did have such status, however, the subscriptions we offer probably wouldn’t qualify, as the digital news subscription tax credit is limited to content that takes a primarily written form.

I still need help. Can I talk to a real person?

Yes! Drop a line to our Communications & Audience Engagement Coordinator emily@canadaland.com. You can expect a response within one to three days.