August 9, 2021
#702 Foreign Agents Are Active In Canada
In late 2020, FBI agents showed up at the New York home of activist and journalist Masih Alinejad, and told her that agents of the Iranian regime were plotting to kidnap her. Months later, an indictment from the US Department of Justice revealed details of the plot - including surveillance of her home and family, and a plan to take her to Venezuela by boat. But it also mentioned three people in Canada were also targets.
Cherise Seucharan
Tristan Capacchione
Audio Editor & Technical Producer
Jesse Brown
Host & Publisher

As our reporter Cherise Seucharan finds out, many journalists and dissidents who have left countries such as Iran, China, Mexico and Pakistan for safety in Canada, have found themselves the victim of threats and intimidation by what they believe to be foreign actors. In one case, involving Pakistani activist Karima Baloch in Toronto, these threats ramped up before her unexpected death. Kiran Nazish, founding director of the Coalition for Women in Journalism,  explains how extensive these threats are, and how the Canadain government has so far failed to act to protect these dissidents.

Additional music provided by Audio Network

Sponsors: Squarespace Unfucking The Republic podcast, and  PolicyMe

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