Join Investigative Reporter Molly Thomas as she lands on the ground in South Asia to uncover the heartbreaking story of a young Afghan girl, with a unique connection to Canada.
July 8, 2024
Dear Taliban
Dear Taliban: Part One
Investigative reporter Molly Thomas was hell-bent on not letting the
plight of women in Afghanistan fall from the headlines. But the battle
to tell that story wasn’t where she first thought it was.
June 10, 2024
WAR #8 – Who Pays the Price?
What was all of this for? And is Afghanistan destined for yet another cycle of violence?
July 6, 2022
WAR #7 – The Long, Slow Death
Stuart Langridge was a model soldier. But when he ended his life after returning from Afghanistan, his parents began to ask questions about what had happened to their son. Instead of giving them answers, the Canadian military went to war against them.
June 22, 2022
WAR #6 – Tortured Pasts
Despite repeated denials by senior government and military officials, there’s evidence that many Canadians knew they were sending Afghans to be tortured.
June 8, 2022
WAR #5 – The Narcokings of Kandahar
Why did so many Afghans join with the Taliban during the years that Canada was fighting in Kandahar?
May 25, 2022
#780 Medusa
Operation Medusa has become the most celebrated battle in recent Canadian history. It was hailed as a stroke of military genius that may have vanquished the Taliban once and for all. But that was never the whole story.
May 16, 2022
WAR #4 – Medusa
Operation Medusa has become the most celebrated battle in recent Canadian history. It was hailed as a stroke of military genius that may have vanquished the Taliban once and for all.
May 11, 2022
WAR #3 – Tarnak Farms
All of a sudden, they see a blast, and chaos surrounds them. What happens next would change their lives—and the Canadian military—forever.
April 27, 2022
WAR #2 – Lords of War
In the months after 9/11, Canadian special forces were participating in secret operations at the behest of some of the most sinister men in Afghanistan.