Showing of 18 results
#780 Medusa
Operation Medusa has become the most celebrated battle in recent Canadian history. It was hailed as a stroke of military genius that may have vanquished the Taliban once and for all. But that was never the whole story.
WAR #4 – Medusa
Operation Medusa has become the most celebrated battle in recent Canadian history. It was hailed as a stroke of military genius that may have vanquished the Taliban once and for all.
WAR #3 – Tarnak Farms
All of a sudden, they see a blast, and chaos surrounds them. What happens next would change their lives—and the Canadian military—forever.
WAR #2 – Lords of War
In the months after 9/11, Canadian special forces were participating in secret operations at the behest of some of the most sinister men in Afghanistan.
WAR #1 – Last Plane Out of Kabul
The true story of the end of one of the forever wars through the eyes of the people who were there.
Introducing our new season… War
The war stories that Canada wants you to forget
The Backbench
#9 Afghanistan & Affordability
Liberals scramble to respond to the crisis in Afghanistan amid the first week of campaigning. And Trudeau says he wants life to be more affordable while also suggesting it's not his job.
Short Cuts
#704 Abandoning Afghanistan
Recent stories about Canada's role in the War in Afghanistan fall short. And if Justin Trudeau is Veruca Salt, who then is Erin O'Toole? Photojournalist and author Paul Watson co-hosts.