Showing of 62 results
WORK #15 – Canada’s New Underclass
The huge rise in international students in Canada — most of them from Punjab, India — has become one of the biggest stories in the country.
WORK #13 – Flying Under the Radar
Mandalena Lewis is one of far too many flight attendants who have been harassed or assaulted on the job. And her story is just one example of a culture of sexism and abuse that she alleges pervades the airline industry.
WORK #3 – Bitter Harvest
To understand why the situation remains so bad, we need to go back in time to a moment when there was progress and hope. A moment when it looked like things might truly change for the better.
Announcing Our 2024 Podcast Slate
Scammers, the war on workers, queer animals, a convicted bomber, and the worst celebrity podcast ever
Bonus: Everybody Loves Romana
In this bonus episode, COMMONS producer Noor Azrieh sits down with Peter Smith to discuss his reporting on right-wing conspiracy groups like Qanon and Romana Didulo.
Short Cuts
#949 MKUltra
Is it even possible to “brainwash” anyone?
Introducing our new season… Cults
Uncovering the stories of both devotees and dissenters, this season of COMMONS will go beyond the true crime cliches and will make you question everything you thought you knew about cults.
HOCKEY #1 – The Best Game You Can Name
Hockey is a hell of a lot of fun. But right now, the sport is going through a reckoning.
Introducing our new season… Hockey
Love it or hate it, hockey is inescapable in Canada. But the sport has a dark side.
BONUS: Cory Doctorow knows why monopolies are killing art
We’re bringing you Arshy’s full interview with Cory Doctorow, complete with all the nitty gritty details around how and why musicians continue to get screwed by Spotify, music labels, ticketmaster and more.