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The Backbench
#91 Flip-Flopping on Decriminalization
When B.C. decriminalized small amounts of drugs in January 2023, it was seen as a promising weapon in the battle against the drug crisis. In May, B.C. walked that policy back, saying it caused disorder in the streets.
The Backbench
#36 Is Canada Ready to Decriminalize Drugs?
Parliament is heading towards a vote on an NDP Private Member’s Bill that would decriminalize drug possession for personal use, among other changes to address Canada’s overdose crisis. The Liberals have also proposed a bill that would amend the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. Garth Mullins of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users has been fighting for decriminalization for a long time as he’s watched friends die and get incarcerated. He talks about these two bills and his vision for healthy drug policy in Canada. 
Crackdown: Cut Off
Here's an episode of the podcast Crackdown, hosted by Garth Mullins.
#272 The Best New(ish) Podcast In Canada Is About The Opioid Crisis
Crackdown covers the war on drugs from the trenches, and these war correspondents are drug users. 
#272 The Best New Podcast In Canada Is About The Opioid Crisis
Crackdown covers the war on drugs from the trenches, and these war correspondents are drug users. 
Finding A Fix: Our Opioid Overdose Crisis
“I tried to count up the amount of people that I knew who had died from overdose. I got to fifty, and I just had to stop. You get used to it. It’s like it becomes normal.”