Showing of 13 results
Short Cuts
#997 If I Had $100,000,000 (From Google)
Short Cuts
#947 Rising Hate and Sweet Google Money
Islamophobia and antisemitism are on the rise in Canada - but if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that teenagers becoming radicalized and making homemade bombs is not okay. 
Short Cuts
#899 Google, Interrupted
Google and Meta respond to Bill C-18 by threatening to block Canadian news.
Sen. Paula Simons “unhopeful” about plan to make Google and Facebook pay for news
Government should've focused on "insane corporate concentration," she says, rather than the notion the platforms are "stealing" content
The Backbench
#59 A Ruckus at Roxham Road
Host Mattea Roach is joined by Emilie Nicolas, Stuart Thomson and Les Perreaux to talk about the latest at Roxham Road, the irregular border crossing where thousands of asylum seekers flock to Canada. What’s bringing them here and what’s happening once they arrive? 
Monopoly #14 – Where the Sidewalk Ends
The story behind what happened when Google, one of the world’s great tech monopolies, wanted to make a “smart city" in Toronto
Hitting the Far Right Where It Hurts
How internet advertising funds bad information, and how activists are working to cut that off
#361 Will Government Media Rules Strangle Canadaland?
In Australia, the news disappeared from Facebook. And Jesse got very worried about the future.
Short Cuts
#285 Facebook Fangoria
Beware of the FANG! And how to cover Chinese infiltration — or anti-Chinese infiltration?
#328 Should Big Tech Bail Out The News?
The pandemic could be an "extinction event" for American newspapers and so their publishers want their own government bailout. Meanwhile Canadian papers want money from Google and Facebook, too.