Showing of 96 results
Short Cuts
#106 How To Exploit A Massacre
Rebel Media's at it again, this time  seizing on the initial narrative about the Quebec massacre's alleged 'second shooter' like a dog humping its favourite plush toy and refusing to let go.
Short Cuts
#103 You Cannot Embarrass Us Into Voting Rationally
Christy Clark gets written up in the NYTimes for accepting $50,000 from the BC Liberals. Justin Trudeau enjoys identifying with immigrants on occasion. Student activists pull the old bait-and-switch on Justin Trudeau. Kevin O'Leary enters the Conservative leadership campaign.
Buy Gold and Raisin Bran: The Brexit and Canada
Supriya and Vicky want to know what the Brexit means for us. Does a vote for the United Kingdom to leave the EU change our lives on this side of the ocean?
Short Cuts
#61 Rap Amnesty for Wab Kinew
As Wab Kinew campaigns in Manitoba, the media has seized on his misogynistic rap lyrics from the past. A reporter for The Rebel claims she was doused in pee and the story only gets stupider the closer you look. And have we reached peak Justin Trudeau?
Canada’s Climate Game (of Thrones)
Andray is shamed for driving an SUV. Trudeau is shamed for brushing off young people. Desmond is shamed for not watching Game of Thrones.
Short Cuts
#51 Vice Unite!/Star Comments/Choir Hoax
The employees of Vice Canada are starting a union drive. Toronto Star closes down online commenting. An Ottawa children's choir sings a welcoming Arabic song that draws mistaken assumptions on social and mainstream media. Ishmael Daro, Buzzfeed's Social News Editor, co-hosts.
Short Cuts
#48 Liberal Leaks/Newfoundland Goof/Furlong’s Comeback
Rosemary Barton states incorrect facts about Trudeau's refugee plan. Parliament Hill journos attempt to get into the ring with Cabinet Ministers but the Ministers are on another floor. CANADALAND gets NFLD's ATIP reform "spectacularly wrong." The National Post passes judgement on Furlong's accusers without actually speaking to the accusers. CANADALAND publishes their affidavits. Buzzfeed's Paul McLeod discusses.
Short Cuts
#46 Canadian News Hall of Fame/Mansbridge’s Wedding Package/Whiny Telecom
Buzzfeed Canada's social news editor Lauren Strapagiel discusses the fabled Canadian News Hall of Fame, Peter Mansbridge's exclusive access to Trudeau, and Bell's pleas to eradicate fairness and restore oligopoly.
Short Cuts
#43 Which News Org Won The Election?
In this dissection of election media coverage, Macleans's Laura Payton peers in while Jesse holds the knife.
Why Did 8 Million People Fail To Vote?
This election, journalists in Canada got distracted. Political spinmeisters set the agenda, and many journalists followed. Covering polls and PR...