It's Nazi season in Canada! From the "controversial" flag in Saskatchewan to the neo-Nazi working in an Ontario city hall, Canada's working hard to normalize racism. And Mark Norman apparently had it worse than Omar Khadr. Who was in Guantanmo Bay. As a minor.
May 15, 2019
Short Cuts
#212 Newfoundland 2: The Newfoundlanding
In the prurient rush for lurid details about Bruce McArthur and his victims, maybe it’s time to re-examine the way we consume true crime. And the ongoing saga of the Mark Norman affair becomes even muddier.
May 8, 2019
#25 Trudeau’s OTHER Festering Scandal
What's going to be the downfall of the Trudeau administration? It might not be the scandal you're thinking of. Then again, it might be that scandal.