Showing of 23 results
#1002 Brain Disease ‘Mystery’ Still Unsolved, Scientists Say
Email leaks from medical experts throw new light on mysterious neurological disease in New Brunswick.
#17 La queer Acadie de Xavier Gould
j’existe / asteure / toi / existes-tu par exprès ? Une discussion avec l’artiste et non-binaire Xavier Gould autour de son premier livre des fleurs comme moi.
“I do see the numbers growing”
New Brunswick neurologist Dr. Alier Marrero speaks to CANADALAND about what he sees as an ever-widening mystery in his province
#894 Mystery Brain Disease Cases Quadruple, Says New Brunswick Doctor
Mystery disease patient count exceeds 200, says New Brunswick doctor. CANADALAND gains an exclusive interview with Dr. Alier Marrero, the doctor at the heart of the mysterious neurological disease investigation.
Government officials misled the public about the “mysterious” New Brunswick neurological disease, and we have the documents to prove it
Here are the 10 biggest takeaways after poring over thousands of pages of internal government documents obtained through access to information
#852 Medical Lies From The Maritimes
CANADALAND has obtained thousands and thousands of pages of internal documents that take us behind the scenes of that investigation that once caught the attention of the nation, before being dropped like a hot potato.
#7 Option nucléaire
Le calcul politique de Doug Ford se retourne contre lui alors que les Ontarien.nes démontrent leur soutien aux travailleurs et travailleuses de l'éducation suite à la tentative du gouvernement provincial d'empêcher une grève historique. Puis quelle est la conversation entourant le bilinguisme au Nouveau-Brunswick suite à la nomination controversée de Kris Austin au Comité de révision de la Loi sur les langues officielles ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Stéphanie Chouinard.
“A 20-year-old does not typically get symptoms of dementia”
Something is happening in New Brunswick, and the provincial government seems strangely reluctant to get to the bottom of it
#746 Is New Brunswick Covering Up A Deadly Brain Disease?
There's a mystery disease that's plaguing people in New Brunswick. People as young as 18 are seeing the results of full-blown dementia. Desperation is taking hold for families that feel answers are still a long way away.
#59 The Family That Owns New Brunswick
A repost of one of the most popular Canadaland episodes ever, from way back in 2014.