Showing of 4 results
Wag the Doug
#62 Journey to the Centre of the Science
Doug Ford plans to uproot the Ontario Science Centre from the iconic Don Mills home it’s occupied since 1969. But what is the Science Centre other than its iconic Don Mills home?
Wag the Doug
#56 Students in Strip Malls
How did a Doug Ford policy move from 2019 lead to 10,000s of international students schlepping their backpacks to strip malls across the GTA?
Wag the Doug
#51 Ford Weddings and a Free-for-all
It turns out Doug Ford and his "developer buddies" are more than just a metaphor.
Wag the Doug
#50 “Leveraged” Health Care on Ontario’s Dime
Conservatives don’t like Canada’s public healthcare system. They think it makes us like Cuba and North Korea.