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The Backbench
#47 Picking Apart Pierre’s Populism
Our new host, Mattea Roach, ponders Poilievre’s political playbook with Riley Yesno, David Moscrop and Catherine Griwkowsky on this week’s panel episode. And you know the saying, leaders come and go. As Pierre Poilievre makes his way into the Conservative leadership, Queen Elizabeth II has left us. Is it time to crack open our constitution and jettison the monarchy once and for all?
#5 Royalement impolies
Suite au décès de la reine Elizabeth II, de nombreux journalistes soulignent les qualités admirables de la reine, alors que d'autres mettent la politesse de côté pour appeler à une réflexion plus critique autour de la monarchie. Puis comment les médias francophones couvrent-ils les sujets de l'immigration et de la langue française dans le premier débat de la campagne électorale au Québec ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Maïka Sondarjee. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, many journalists spotlighted her admirable qualities, while others put politeness aside to call for a more critical reflection on the monarchy. And how is francophone media covering immigration and the French language following the first debate of the Quebec election campaign? Emilie Nicolas hosts this episode of Détours with Maïka Sondarjee.
Short Cuts
#815 Our Royals, Our Elves
Canadians have greeted the death of Elizabeth II with a mix of sadness and ambivalence, hostility and indifference. Film writer Will Sloan joins Jonathan Goldsbie to look at how media has grappled with evolving attitudes toward the monarchy, and how it’s covered the rare sort of development that’s both wholly inevitable and the biggest breaking news in the world. They also go deep on a cartoon elf.