The Toronto Star put the final nail in the coffin of Star Touch, its $20-30-million app for a device that most people don't have or use. And, after praising themselves for its bold innovation, quietly laid off 30 journalists.
June 29, 2017
Short Cuts
#45 Trudeaumania?/Gender Parity/Mounties vs. Vice
Ben Makuch, Vice's national security reporter, discusses Trudeau's cabinet swearing in, CBC's The National's gender parity panel, why the Mounties are out for Ben, and J. Kelly Nestruck's brush with New Zealand sports reporting.
November 4, 2015
#20 Rex Murphy is Paid by the Oil Sands and the CBC Won’t Disclose or Discuss it
The CBC's chief conservative commentator has a glaring conflict of interest, reports investigative journalist Andrew Mitrovica.