News Brief

All Our 2019 Corrections And Clarifications

Gathered together in one helpful place


Story: “The Far-Right Grassroots Movement Taking Over Canada” (January 28)
Correction: “This article originally stated that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had visited Kamloops in December. In fact, he visited January 9.”

Story: “What The Media Missed At The Jordan Peterson–Slavoj Žižek Debate” (May 1)
Correction: “Due to an editing error, the photo of the lineup outside the Sony Centre was initially credited to the author of the piece, rather than to Heidi Matthews.”
Clarification: “While Live Nation was involved with making the event happen, the company did not initiate it, and so the word ‘organized’ has been replaced with ‘put on’ in one sentence.”

Story: “StarMetro Vancouver Has A Union, But Not A Contract” (May 17)
Clarification: “Due to an editing error, this article did not originally make clear that the layoffs that greatly affected employees at StarMetro Toronto were limited to those who worked in editorial.”

Story: “How (Not) To Report On Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside” (May 27)
Correction: “This piece originally described Nicolas Leech-Crier as a coordinator for Megaphone‘s Voices of the Street anthology. He is, in fact, a coordinator for Megaphone‘s Speakers Bureau.”

Story: “The Guardian Paves The Way For Canadian Media To Be More Blunt About The Climate Crisis” (July 18)
Corrections: “This piece originally said that Vice made recent changes to its style guide ‘following The Guardian’s announcement.’ Vice’s changes, however, narrowly preceded The Guardian’s. Further, Sean Holman’s title has been amended to reflect his current position as an associate professor at Calgary’s Mount Royal University.”

Story: “You Must Be This Conservative To Ride: The Inside Story of Postmedia’s Right Turn” (August 12)
Correction: “Due to an editing error, this piece originally described a John Ivison column critical of the Conservatives’ climate policy as having been published ‘a week earlier’ than a July 17 meeting with the Ottawa bureau, ‘on the day Libin’s new role was announced.’ While the Ivison column was indeed published on July 10, Libin’s new role was announced on June 10 (as stated elsewhere in the piece).”
Clarification: “One passage has been revised to more clearly reflect that Libin was tapped to oversee certain political commentary published in Postmedia newspapers, not all of it.”

Story: “We Have Seen This Before In BC” (October 2)
Clarification: “An image caption has been revised to clarify that the figure depicted in a political cartoon was BC politician Amor de Cosmos and not just a generic white man.”

Story: “No Indigenous Journalist Among Debate Moderators. Instead, An Offer To Be A Human ‘Mic Stand.'” (October 7)
Correction: “This article originally stated that APTN would be translating the debates into three Indigenous languages. In fact, APTN is broadcasting and streaming Indigenous-language versions of the debates, but the translations themselves are produced by the production partnership.”

Story: “CBC Had Employee Delete Tweet Critical Of Don Cherry” (November 14)
Clarification: “A passage stating that ‘Rogers fired Cherry’ has been amended to make clear the action was taken by Rogers Media’s Sportsnet, which maintains editorial control over its broadcasts.”



Episode: “The Mud Slinging, Meme Hustling, Rage Baiting Sites You Need To Know Before The Next Election” (January 6)
Correction: “In this episode, reporter Graeme Gordon mistakenly states that North99 Director Taylor Scollon previously worked with Navigator Ltd, the crisis communications PR firm. In fact, it was North99 co-founder Geoff Sharpe who previously worked with Navigator. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#261 Oh Great, Now China Hates Us” (January 20)
Correction: “This post said Schellenberg was originally sentenced to 14 years in prison. It was 15.”

Episode: “#273 The Media Baron Dinner Party Where The News Bailout Was Born” (April 14)
Correction: “In this episode, Jesse says Fox News is not available in Canada. It is.”

Episode: “#297 Shad’s Hip-Hop Evolution” (October 6)
Correction: “A previous version misspelled Rodrigo Bascuñán’s last name. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#305 Researchers Just Proved The Media Is Too White” (December 9)
Correction: “The show notes originally misspelled Asmaa Malik’s last name. We regret the error.


Episode: “#196 Naughty Daughter” (January 17)
Correction: “WE Day Ottawa 2018 took place on November 14th, 5 days before Canadaland published its second investigation into WE, not afterwards, as Jesse states on this podcast. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#205 Scheer And Loathing” (March 21)
Correction: “In this episode, the shooter at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando was referred to among a list of angry white men. He was not white.”

Episode: “#212 Newfoundland 2: The Newfoundlanding” (May 8)
Correction: “The show notes for this episode originally stated that the Liberals dropped a suit against Mark Norman. In fact, the Crown has stayed charges against the Vice-Admiral. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#213 Misfit Manchild Edgelords” (May 15)
Correction: “A section of this show claims that Canada ‘sent’ Omar Khadr to Guantanamo Bay. Whatever delayed actions the government took, it did not send Mr. Khadr to the detention facility. We regret the error.”
Clarification: “Jesse describes Kevin Johnston as an ‘Internet personality of the Faith Goldy, freedom talkin’, anti-Islam, intellectual dark web variety…’. The ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ is a term commonly used to refer to a group of academics, writers, and commentators including Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, and Dave Rubin. While their ideas may be attractive to figures like Goldy and Johnston, and though it may be fair to compare the ‘IDW’ to the alt-right, the two should probably not be conflated or presented as the same thing.”

Episode: “#216 The Word For This Is Genocide” (June 6)
Correction: “Barrie City Councillor Keenan Aylwin has not had his pay docked, nor did the Integrity Commissioner recommend it. A decision on whether to sanction the councillor through official reprimand and removal of the post in question is scheduled to be rendered on June 12. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#221 Fuck You For This One, Québec” (July 10)
Correction #1: “The show notes listed Ben Makuch as a former Vice employee. He remains employed at Vice.”
Correction #2: “This podcast inaccurately states that $7 million was given to the NewsMedia Council, when in fact these funds were given to News Media Canada. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#237 Shitty Media Management” (November 7)
Correction: “In this episode, Jesse says that on the day the Toronto Star/Associated Press story about unsafe drinking water in 11 Canadian cities broke, The Globe and Mail was among the news sites that did not promptly pick up the story. This is inaccurate: the Globe ran the AP’s story before 8 a.m. on the morning of Monday, November 4th. We regret the error.”


Episode: “CRUDE #1: Smell This Town” (April 2)
Clarification: “In the episode, we credit the Price of Oil series to the Toronto Star, National Observer, and Global News. The collaborative investigation also involved Concordia University, Ryerson University School of Journalism, the University of Regina, UBC, the Corporate Mapping Project, and the Michener Awards Foundation.”

Episode: “DYNASTIES #3 – The Fords” (October 15)
Correction: “We state in this episode that Rob Ford died in 2014. He died in March of 2016. We regret the error.”


Episode: “#20 Where’s Jagmeet Singh? He’s On OPPO!” (January 14)
Correction: “This interview took place before Jagmeet Singh’s appearance on CTV, not after. We regret the error.”

Episode: “#35 How Alberta Got Weed Right” (July 29)
Correction: “We stated that cannabis is only available online in Manitoba. It is in fact available in a number of retail stores.”

Episode: “#46 About Last Night” (October 22)
Correction: “An earlier version of this episode said that the Liberals picked up a seat in Northern Saskatchewan. That seat ended up going to the Conservatives. That detail has been removed from the show.”

Wag the Doug

Episode: “#15 Dirty Money, Expired Eggs: The Auditor General’s Annual Shaming” (December 11)
Correction: “The NDP’s critic for OLG and horse racing is Percy Hatfield, not Wayne Gates as stated in the show. However, Wayne Gates did provide the quote that is attributed to him in this episode.”

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