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The Best and Worst Tweets of 2022

What a weird country

Hanging out on Twitter these days is a bit like going on holiday to a place with an increasingly spotty rights record; sure, the beaches are nice as ever, but why do journalists critical of the regime keep mysteriously disappearing?

As Twitter continues its shift from being merely a reflection of the world’s unravelling to a prime example of it, we once again offer our annual roundup of the best and worst of it that crossed into our orbit (presented in chronological and no other order):

A February 8, 2022, tweet from Marsha Lederman (@marshalederman), whose avatar depicts Mary Tyler Moore. Lederman writes, Possibly my favourite exchange on Twitter, and includes a screenshot of the exchange. A person going by @MatthewC_1997 tweets at her: If you’re Canadian, why do have an American actor as your profile picture? She replies: I don't know. Are you a cat? To which he simply responds: No.

A March 18, 2022, tweet from George Civeris (@georgeciveris), who wrote: Monitoring the feud between Charli XCX Updates and the politics editor of the Los Angeles Review of Books. He includes a screencap in which an account called CHARLI XCX UPDATES tweeted: They don’t build statues of critics — with a couple photos of Charli XCX wearing a pink crop top with that statement on it. In response, @tomzoellner replies, Here's a statue of literary critic Northrup Frye. He attaches a photo of the Frye statue permanently sitting on a bench at the University of Toronto's Victoria College.

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