Showing of 208 results
Short Cuts
#995 34 Trump Street
Trump’s 34 felony convictions made history in the U.S., but will his efforts to undermine the Rule of Law have an effect on Canadian attitudes towards the legal system? 
Short Cuts
#989 Loblaw & Order
There’s a Loblaws Boycott underway, but is it actually working?
#946 Drunk Uncle Holiday Argument Simulator
We asked people to call Jesse and argue about… whatever, in the true spirit of this festive season.
Short Cuts
#943 Newspocalypse Now
CBC makes huge cuts - with plans to eliminate 600 positions. Is it time for a good hard look in the mirror to figure out what its future could look like?
Short Cuts
#933 Buffy Sainte-Marie: Coincidence or Likely Stories?
It was impossible to look away once CBC released the story and Fifth Estate documentary questioning Buffy Sainte-Marie’s Indigenous identity. How well did the CBC do in its reporting?
#904 The Truth About Polkaroo
From Mr. Rogers to Mr. Dressup to Degrassi, some of the most iconic names in children’s television got their start in Canada, so why don’t we remember just how good we were at being first and being best in children’s television?
Short Cuts
#899 Google, Interrupted
Google and Meta respond to Bill C-18 by threatening to block Canadian news.
#880 Terry O’Reilly’s Had It With Ads
Who started the first successful podcast network in Canada? What do 1950s TV and Radio have to do with podcasting? Jesse Brown sits down with Terry O’Reilly, host of Under the Influence, to talk about all things podcasting and advertising.
Short Cuts
#877 CBC Is in a Fight for Its Life
We’re talking the CBC leaving Twitter after being labeled “government-funded media”, while Pierre Poilievre thanks Elon Musk for what he was already going to do. The real losers here are the Canadian public. 
Gillian Findlay leaves CBC over “inequitable” treatment
In an email sent to her colleagues last week, Findlay wrote, “I am leaving the CBC because I have been unable to negotiate a remote work arrangement...