Showing of 62 results
Debts and Deficits
Andray Domise and guest host Supriya Dwivedi talk government debt, recessions and the Balanced Budget Act with Mike Moffatt of the Mowat Centre, and Aaron Wudrick of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
To kick off the official federal election campaign, Desmond Cole and Andray Domise talk to Harold Jansen and Gerry Nicholls about campaign financing, party fundraising, and why this campaign is set to be the longest in modern Canadian history.
The COMMONS Guide To Debates
Desmond Cole and guest host Supriya Dwivedi present The CANADALAND: COMMONS Guide To Debates. 
Can I Kick It?
Desmond Cole and Andray Domise talk election fraud, Justin Trudeau, and the TRC.
The Senate, What it Do?
Paul Wells and Heather Hughson talk about what the Senate does, and whether or not it's worth hanging on to.
Barbaric Cultural Practices
Andray Domise, guest-host Supriya Dwivedi and Ishmael Daro talk about the Zero Tolerance For Barbaric Cultural Practices Act, the new Quebec secular legislation, and the massacre in Charleston.
Diversity or Tokenism?
Rachel Décoste joins to talk diversity quotas, tokenism and equity in Canadian politics.
Crossing the Floor
Andray and Desmond speak with former Wildrose leader Danielle Smith about crossing the floor from the official opposition to the governing party.
Residential Schools
We haven't even begun to talk about what happened.
The PMO, what it is?
What is the Prime Minister's Office? How many people work there, who are they, and what do they all do? Just how powerful is the PMO, and is the Prime Minister responsible for what it does?