Showing of 16 results
“Organized Resistance” To Prioritizing Indigenous Vaccinations
Some of the people responsible for booking vaccinations aren't recognizing the policies for racialized people.
#292 A Medical Horror Story and the Fight to Expose It
A respected doctor put women’s health and lives in danger for money and the public almost didn't hear about it.
#290 What It’s Like To Want To Die
Reporter Anna Mehler Paperny talks about her book "Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me: Depression in the First Person"
Wag the Doug
#7 All The Promises Doug Ford Has Broken Lately
And the one he fulfilled that blew up in his face.
Wag the Doug
#6 The Tragically OHIP
Is the Ford Government trying to privatize healthcare? Plus, a list of things Doug Ford has broken.
Short Cuts
#140 Weekend With Bernie
Canada's weekend with Bernie, Bill Morneau's conflicts of interest and the so-called "Ghomeshi Rules" that could change how the courts deal with sexual assault cases.