Showing of 22 results
#38 L’immigrant imaginaire
Les médias et les politiques pointent du doigt les immigrants pour expliquer la crise du logement, les écoles débordées et le déclin du français. Mais pourquoi en sont-ils les boucs émissaires? The media and politicians point the finger at immigrants for the housing crisis, troubles in the school system and the decline of the French language. But why are they the scapegoats?
The Backbench
#89 Canada’s Exploited Foreign Workers Program
Temporary foreign workers are relied upon to fill the gaps in the Canadian labour market.
Short Cuts
#973 The Musk of Censorship
As Elon Musk rails against content moderation in a disastrous interview with Don Lemon, Jesse and Ivor Shapiro reconsider Canada’s new approach to online speech. 
#31 Nous, les autres et Toula
Qui est responsable de la crise du logement ? Toula Drimonis, chroniqueuse et auteure de “Nous, les autres”, se joint à Emilie pour examiner le débat actuel autour de l'immigration.
Wag the Doug
#56 Students in Strip Malls
How did a Doug Ford policy move from 2019 lead to 10,000s of international students schlepping their backpacks to strip malls across the GTA?
The Backbench
#65 Ctrl+Alt+Regulate: Can Canada’s AI Act Save Us?
This week Riley Yesno, our interim host, is joined by Meagan Simpson, Nicholas Keung, and longtime panelist David Moscrop to talk AI regulation and economic immigration. 
What happens when a “Safe Third Country” is no longer safe?
As the U.S. becomes an increasingly harsh place to claim asylum, Canada is telling more people than ever that that's where they ought to go
#878 Escaping America
Canada’s recent decision to close unofficial border crossings, such as Roxham Road, doubles down on the idea that migrants seeking asylum are just as safe in the US as they are in Canada. But there’s a body of evidence saying it’s not — and that’s been clear for decades.
The Backbench
#59 A Ruckus at Roxham Road
Host Mattea Roach is joined by Emilie Nicolas, Stuart Thomson and Les Perreaux to talk about the latest at Roxham Road, the irregular border crossing where thousands of asylum seekers flock to Canada. What’s bringing them here and what’s happening once they arrive? 
#6 Défaillance du système (selon quelques intellectuels)
Élection après élection, la réforme du mode de scrutin devient le sujet chaud, malgré que le premier ministre du Québec considère que la question n'intéresse personne, à part quelques intellectuels. Et pourquoi la pénurie d'enseignants reste-t-elle un enjeu grave dans tout le pays ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Nicolas Rouleau.