Showing of 22 results
The Backbench
#48 NDP – New Dental Plan
Our host Mattea Roach, tackles the “new” and “exciting” Federal dental plan with Riley Yesno, Stuart Thomson, and Nick Taylor-Vaisey. The NDP are patting themselves on the back for getting something done in Ottawa—but how much have they really accomplished here? Speaking of “new” and “exciting” we need to talk about the IRCC’s new proposed immigration pathways that seem to be recycled old ones.
“It would be nice to feel more than like a cash cow”
Canada's postsecondary schools have become increasingly reliant on international students but have few incentives to support their success
#707 Canada’s International Cash Cows
Last year there were 540,000 international students in Canada according to Immigrations Refugees and Citizenship Canada, IRCC. Many of these students came to Canada with one goal - permanent residency. 
Taxi drivers: “Chess masters of their own lives”
A new book considers the "practical genius" of Canada's cabbies
“I am a human, not an animal”
In Canada, migrant care workers are trapped in a system that creates "purposeful inequality." COVID has only made it worse.
#351 A Uyghur Family Separated By China-Canada Politics
A man imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for years was released over a decade ago, after the U.S. decided he wasn’t an “enemy combatant” after all.
What The Hell Is A Fairness Letter?
We speak to someone who might not be let into Canada for trying to bring democracy to Syria.
Correcting The Record On Refugee Crossings
Actual expert calls BS on J.J. McCullough’s claims on last week’s Short Cuts
Short Cuts
#103 You Cannot Embarrass Us Into Voting Rationally
Christy Clark gets written up in the NYTimes for accepting $50,000 from the BC Liberals. Justin Trudeau enjoys identifying with immigrants on occasion. Student activists pull the old bait-and-switch on Justin Trudeau. Kevin O'Leary enters the Conservative leadership campaign.
Short Cuts
#89 The Plight Of The Fragile White Man
White fragility on the radio and coverage of the government revoking citizenship with VICE Canada's Manisha Krishnan.