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What You Should Know about CBC’s Jian Ghomeshi Report
Today at 12:30, CBC English boss Heather Conway will hold a conference call with reporters to present findings from the independent investigation of...
CBC’s Top Brass Silent on Ghomeshi’s Coverup Claim
"I was given the choice to walk away quietly and to publicly suggest that this was my decision."...
Short Cuts
#7 Charlie Hebdo/Ghomeshi/Keystone
Jen Gerson of the National Post joins to talk about chickenshit editors and why Keystone XL is just like Kim Kardashian.
CBC hears no evil, scrubs Ghomeshi from archives
When a young woman first told me that she had been brutally abused by Jian Ghomeshi, I checked the Q archives.
Short Cuts
#6 Torture/Payola/Oscar Clip Journalism
Jan Wong returns to talk about Canada's war criminals, the CBC on the take, and the Globe and Mail fishing for awards
Short Cuts
#4 Ghomeshi/Rehtaeh/Ferguson
Denise Balkissoon joins to talk about how insecure employment impacts journalism, why we need to say her name, and why there's no "Canadian angle" on Ferguson.
#58 An Interview With My Harshest Critic
Joe Clark has been aggressively challenging and sometimes attacking my work for years.
What Management Knew about Jian (pt.1)
Q staffers come forward
#56 We All Knew About Jian
Roberto Verì used to work for CBC's Q with Jian Ghomeshi. He witnessed harassment that he never reported, until now.
#54 All I Can Say For Now About Jian
Just a few thoughts about my investigation with the Toronto Star.