Showing of 4 results
Short Cuts
#985 No Cop Crackdowns on Campus
Campus protests have migrated to Canada and McGill is asking the cops for help.
#205 Out Of My Depth With Adam Gopnik
Adam Gopnik lived out a certain Canadian fantasy. He left the country and became a prominent New York intellectual.
Inside McGill University’s Andrew Potter Meltdown
New documents reveal what happened behind the scenes as the school struggled with the fallout from an incendiary Maclean's article, and ended...
Short Cuts
#113 CANADA 150: Here’s Who’s Pissed Off So Far
CBC’s miniseries “The Story of Us,” is only two episodes in, but manages to upset literally everyone (except Joseph Boyden). Justin Trudeau endorses CBC’s Canada150 fiasco--and his favourite microbrew, Labatt150.