Showing of 21 results
Canada Obscura
#2 The Feral Horses Of Sable Island
There’s a small, sandy island off the coast of Nova Scotia where hundreds of horses run wild. They’ve been there since the 18th century, and are genetically unlike any other horse in the world.
The unravelling of “Buy Black Birchtown”
How a plan to create a BIPOC retreat in Nova Scotia went off the rails
#862 Donors To BIPOC Retreat Feel It Was A “Scam”
There aren’t a lot of dedicated spaces for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in Nova Scotia. One community group wanted to change that — but instead were betrayed.
MINING #4 – The Westray Disaster
Twenty-six men were working underground when an explosion tore through the Westray Mine in Nova Scotia. Their friends and colleagues went into the wreckage to try to save them.
How One Journalist Is Changing The Narrative Of The Nova Scotia Massacre
"If you're going to label me a conspiracy theorist, so be it," Paul Palango says. "Because I'm proving my story as I go along."
#372 The RCMP’s Portapique Narrative Is Falling Apart
Frank Magazine publisher Andrew Douglas and reporter Paul Palango discuss their bombshell story, and what the RCMP may still be hiding about Gabriel Wortman.
REAL ESTATE #2 – The Last Man in Africville
Africville was one of Canada’s oldest Black settlements, a proud community of more than 400 people. And then the City of Halifax decided to utterly obliterate it.
THE POLICE #10 – Portapique
Almost a year after the worst mass shooting in modern Canadian history, Nova Scotians are still in the dark about what exactly happened. A gunman, dressed in an RCMP uniform, driving an RCMP cruiser killed 22 people.
Short Cuts
#282 Reconciliation In Flames
Hulk smash colonialism! And public health messaging crosses a line when trick or treating directives are unclear.
Short Cuts
#271 Bottom Of The Barrel
The Kielburgers testified before the House of Commons finance committee, updates on the Nova Scotia shooting, and the plan for a Nazi colony in Cape Breton. 2020, am I right?