Showing of 22 results
Wag the Doug
#67 To All the Booze Who’ve Loved Beer Store
Who doesn’t love an ice-cold beer from a bar, a pub, a liquor store… a gas station?
Wag the Doug
#65 This Sh*t is Banana Cats
This month, Allison and Jonathan don their leotards and consider Ontario politics’ new experimental era.
Wag the Doug
#60 I Logged On to a Mining Ring of Fire
Until just a few years ago, staking a mining claim in Ontario demanded banging physical posts in the ground. Now, you can simply head online and click a square on a map.
Wag the Doug
#59 Doug Ford’s House of Horrors
Some say Queen’s Park is haunted. Others say it’s merely possessed by the Progressive Conservatives. Either way, there’s some spooky stuff going down.
Wag the Doug
#56 Students in Strip Malls
How did a Doug Ford policy move from 2019 lead to 10,000s of international students schlepping their backpacks to strip malls across the GTA?
A short history of Patrick Brown electoral controversies
"Their allegations are lies and I can only wish that they end their attacks on myself and my family," he wrote to his local paper, shortly after being...
Wag the Doug
#20 How Green Was My Dougie
With large swaths of the continent on fire, we look at how Doug Ford’s government recently took a torch to environmental regulations under the guise of a “Covid-19 Economic Recovery Act.”
Wag the Doug
#19 The Day Doug Ford Finally Became President
Following a five-month hiatus, Wag the Doug reemerges into a whole new world...
Court Strikes Down Doug Ford’s Attack On Student Groups
Campus newspapers had funding decimated by Ontario government's "Student Choice Initiative"
Sun Boss Goes To Work For Doug Ford
In an official capacity, this time