Showing of 37 results
Wag the Doug
#68 The Fifth Annual(ish) Douggie Awards
Live (on tape) from the intersection of Richmond and Spadina, it’s the fifth annual(ish) Douggie Awards, celebrating the most surreal and mendacious moments of the past year in Ford.
Wag the Doug
#64 Dougie Went a-Courtin’
Judicial independence is a foundational principle of Canadian democracy. Doug Ford sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
Wag the Doug
#59 Doug Ford’s House of Horrors
Some say Queen’s Park is haunted. Others say it’s merely possessed by the Progressive Conservatives. Either way, there’s some spooky stuff going down.
Wag the Doug
#51 Ford Weddings and a Free-for-all
It turns out Doug Ford and his "developer buddies" are more than just a metaphor.
Wag the Doug
#50 “Leveraged” Health Care on Ontario’s Dime
Conservatives don’t like Canada’s public healthcare system. They think it makes us like Cuba and North Korea.
Wag the Doug
#49 For Whom the Greenbelt Tolls
Allison and Jonathan look at who benefits from dismantling the Greenbelt and then trade fav findings from the latest Auditor General’s report.
Wag the Doug
#47 The Power of the Doug
With electricity demand set to rise and Pickering’s nuclear plant set to close, Doug Ford’s government is now scrambling to keep the province’s lights on.
Wag the Doug
#39 Refund Madness
A listener writes in, wondering why she's getting a rebate cheque in the mail right before an election campaign. Jonathan and Allison take stock of everything the Progressive Conservative Party is doing to secure an election victory, from conveniently-timed cheques to a spree of spending announcements. Plus, a special announcement about the show.
Wag the Doug
#38 The Third Annual(ish) Douggie Awards
It’s once again that time of year when the stars of Ontario politics come out to — well, not shine, exactly, so much as drably absorb a depressing fluorescent glow. The 3rd Douggie Awards honour the terrible and hilarious developments of the past 12 months or so that made us laugh ’til we cried or cry 'til we laughed. Allison and Jonathan hand out the prizes, and all signs point to a triumphant night for The Power of the Doug.
The Plan to Bury All of Canada’s Nuclear Waste in One Northwest Ontario Town
This kind of dump for high-level nuclear waste has not yet been built anywhere in the world