Showing of 32 results
THE POLICE #7 – The G20: Conspiracy
In the first of a two-part series on the G20, two mysterious strangers start volunteering with activist networks in southern Ontario. It’s all part of one of the biggest undercover police operations in Canadian history
COMMONS: The Police – Dirty Tricks
A teenage boy and his friends start robbing banks in Toronto. A future Prime Minister is deported from Montreal. A Black Panther in Baltimore goes to prison for four decades.
THE POLICE #6 – Who Killed Myles Gray?
Myles Gray was an unarmed man who died after seven Vancouver police officers beat him mercilessly. Half a decade after he died, not only does his family not have justice, they don’t even know the names of the people who killed him.
THE POLICE #4 – Starlight Tours
Thirty years later, we know some of what happened to Neil Stonechild. But we still don’t have justice. 
THE POLICE #3 – Dirty Tricks
He called himself the General. And he was at the heart of the RCMP's biggest scandal.
THE POLICE #1 – Julian Fantino
Julian Fantino may be the most famous cop in Canadian history, but during his rise, people critical of the police had a way of finding themselves in the crosshairs.
Introducing our new season…
Stories about the power the police wield in Canada, and about the lengths they’re willing to go to hold on to it.
#67 Everybody Else Is Abolishing The Police, So Why Can’t We?
As calls to defund continue to grow, why not imagine what Canada would look like without police? Robyn Maynard joins us to unpack the idea.
Short Cuts
#265 Newsroom Mutiny
Protests have erupted around the world in response to police violence against Black people. Police are openly targeting and arresting journalists. Trump is violating the rights of his people. And Canadian media has failed to cover or even grasp this historic moment.
Short Cuts
#151 You’d Think A Serial Killer Would Be A Bigger Deal
"The amount of silence on this was bizarre."