Showing of 4 results
Why did Krista Erickson’s Hit-Piece on Kory Teneycke Disappear?
In the piece, Erickson makes several allegations about Teneycke meddling in Sun News programming, planning to fire 50 per cent of the staff for not...
Everyone at Sun News Deserved to be Fired
As the world wrestled this week with the role Islamophobia played in the slaying of three innocent North Carolina students, Sun News Network's The...
Short Cuts
#5 Joni Mitchell/CraveTV/Ben Levin
Emma Teitel returns as Dave Bidini mansplains class to Joni Mitchell, Bell's news orgs "report" on Bell's new product, and SUN news illustrates the Liberal-lesbian-pedophile meetup that wasn't.
#24 The Notorious P.K.P.
Media King, Separatist Billionaire