News Brief

Reaction To Joseph Boyden’s New Interviews

Author Joseph Boyden ended his silence Wednesday, giving interviews on his claims of Native heritage to Globe and Mail and CBC Radio.

In both interviews, Boyden chose his interviewer. For the Globe it was Books editor Mark Medley. You can read the Globe interview here. For CBC’s q, Boyden’s interviewer was his “friend” Candy Palmater. You can listen to the full q interview here.

Boyden defended his claims to Indigenous ancestry in both interviews in a the same way: “A small part of me is Indigenous, but it’s a big part of who I am.”

Here’s some reaction to the two interviews:

APTN tweeted Wednesday it has asked Boyden on multiple occasions for an interview. Boyden has yet to take the outlet up on its requests.

Robert Jago is a researcher who was one of the first to raise question about Boyden’s claims. He’s written for CANADALAND why he did. Jago tweeted as he listened to the interview starting here. His concluding thought:

Adam Gaudry, on the faculty of University of Alberta’s Native Studies department, had a detailed breakdown of the CBC interview, starting here:

Author Aaron Paquette was not impressed:

CANADALAND publisher Jesse Brown wonders why CBC let Boyden use them to further his PR push:

Author and educator Debbie Reese added some context to Boyden’s claims of community adoption:

Comedian Ryan McMahon—who recently guested on Short Cuts—said:


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