News Brief

Outside of Canada, Media has a Different Take on Ghomeshi

Canadians weren't the only ones watching last week's Ghomeshi verdict. The trial made international headlines, but those writing about it abroad had a very different perspective on the verdict and ruling than that of our news media.

Canadians weren’t the only ones watching last week’s Ghomeshi verdict. The trial made international headlines, but those writing about it abroad had a very different perspective on the verdict and ruling than that of our news media.

Most of our news orgs focused on the witnesses, while international publications zeroed in on Justice Horkins.

For example, the Toronto Star reported on the verdict with a focus on the perceived failings of the witnesses:

Ditto for the Globe and Mail:


But the Washington Post thought the person to focus on was Justice Horkins:

GHOMESHI HEDS- Washington Post

Slate also focused on the ruling, and found Justice Horkins’ condemantion of the witnesses “shocking.”


New York Magazine’s the Cut was outraged by Justice Horkins’ verdict, too.

And Salon.


The BBC was immediately looking at the impact of the verdict on others.


Mashable focused on rape culture.

While the world was asking what the hell went wrong in Canada, many of our pundits were telling us everything had gone just right.

Here’s the Sun‘s take.


And of course let’s not forget Blatchford.

And Wente.

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These are only a few of many headlines and there was thoughtful consideration of the verdict by Canadian media as well. Plenty of Canadian voices were disturbed by Horkins’ ruling and stood up for victims’ rights, including writers from the sources above.

But the contrast is striking.


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