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Short Cuts
#913 Yellowknife’s Cabin Radio Fever
With Canadians in the North and West fleeing their homes to escape the encroaching infernos, wouldn’t it be great if there were places online they could congregate to share news? 
#798 Pardon My French
What's in a word? Especially when that word carries with it the pain of hundreds of years of racism? This week we talk about how the controversy over the public use of the N-word plays out differently in French and English in this country.
Short Cuts
#797 Wet Hot Antitrust Summer
Three telecoms in a trench coat and other Canadian oligopolies. And we need a new playbook when it comes to engaging with Pierre Poilievre. Vass Bednar co-hosts
#3 Le coût de l’expression
Plus d’une cinquantaine de têtes d’affiches de Radio-Canada contestent la décision du CRTC concernant l’utilisation du ‘mot en n’ sur l’émission radiophonique Le 15-18 en août 2020. Puis dans le climat politique actuel, quelle est la conversation autour des fêtes nationales dans les médias ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Vanessa Destiné. English: More than 50 well-established Radio-Canada employees disagree with the CRTC's decision regarding the use of the 'n-word' on the radio show Le 15-18 in August 2020. And considering the current political climate, what does the media conversation surrounding national holidays look like? Emilie Nicolas hosts this episode of Détours with Vanessa Destiné. 
The Backbench
#3 Big Telecom, Big Quebec
Who's bigger: Canada's telecom giants or Quebec?
Three New Ways the Canadian Government Plans to Regulate the Internet
From cracking down on harmful content to making Facebook and Google pay up for news
#361 Will Government Media Rules Strangle Canadaland?
In Australia, the news disappeared from Facebook. And Jesse got very worried about the future.
Short Cuts
#248 Return Of The Conservative Rapper
The Heritage Minister doesn't seem to understand his own plan for regulating the internet (or not), so we break it down for you. And a group that doesn't exist just ran a major political ad campaign in the country's top newspapers. The National Post's Chris Selley co-hosts.
#310 Why Is The CBC So Schitty?
How the CBC is losing friends and alienating Canadians
Short Cuts
#240 Purified By Hatred
More details have emerged about Warren Kinsella’s secret work to expose Maxime Bernier as a racist. And what’s at stake as the CBC renegotiates its licence to broadcast in Canada?