Showing of 11 results
Dear Taliban
Dear Taliban: Part Two
Join Investigative Reporter Molly Thomas as she lands on the ground in South Asia to uncover the heartbreaking story of a young Afghan girl, with a unique connection to Canada.
#6 Défaillance du système (selon quelques intellectuels)
Élection après élection, la réforme du mode de scrutin devient le sujet chaud, malgré que le premier ministre du Québec considère que la question n'intéresse personne, à part quelques intellectuels. Et pourquoi la pénurie d'enseignants reste-t-elle un enjeu grave dans tout le pays ? Emilie Nicolas anime cet épisode de Détours avec Nicolas Rouleau.
When government demands a “return on investment” from education
With its move to performance-based funding, Alberta is rethinking the purpose of postsecondary
#792 Education: What Is It Good For?
Funding cuts, tuition increases and staff layoffs. What's going on with post-secondary institutions in Alberta?
“It would be nice to feel more than like a cash cow”
Canada's postsecondary schools have become increasingly reliant on international students but have few incentives to support their success
Wag the Doug
#25 Canary In The Nickel Mine: Laurentian Goes Bust
Laurentian University has filed for creditor protection, while a new university opening this fall has attracted just 47 applicants. What is going on with Ontario’s postsecondary sector? And what can the premier’s own brief college experience tell us about his government’s peculiar approach?
Wag the Doug
#14 The Best Of Doug Ford’s Propaganda Channel
A deep dive into the past, present and future of Ontario News Now, the PC Party's online propaganda outlet. Is it dangerous misinformation or harmless government cheerleading? Plus, is Doug Ford finally playing nice? And do the PCs have their own version of a gas plant scandal brewing?
Wag the Doug
#7 All The Promises Doug Ford Has Broken Lately
And the one he fulfilled that blew up in his face.
Our Mis(education): the Erasure of Blackness in Canadian Schools
"Only a few decades after slavery was abolished, you already had, in textbooks in Ontario, the removal of references of history of slavery in Canada, but still many examples of realities of slavery in the United States. This idea of identifying racism as an American phenomenon is an important part of how Canadian racism articulates itself."
“I’m Ashamed Of Myself For Being Afraid”
This week, the city of Thunder Bay, ON, agreed to implement the recommendations of an inquest that looked into the deaths of seven Indigenous students. This, despite the fact that no one from city council appeared to have attended said inquest. The case of a Halifax-area cab driver accused of sexually assaulting a heavily intoxicated female passenger was dismissed by a provincial court judge after he claimed that, “clearly, a drunk can consent.” Finally, the Globe & Mail dug deep into a brewing cash-for-access scandal in British Columbia that could have significant ramifications in that province’s upcoming election. … You can find out more about our exclusive sponsor, Wealthsimple here. Follow the show on Twitter.