News Brief

Amanda Lang tried to sabotage a CBC story that scandalized RBC, who paid her

Multiple sources within CBC News have revealed to CANADALAND a shocking campaign Amanda Lang undertook in 2013 to sabotage a major story reported by her colleague, investigative reporter Kathy Tomlinson.

UPDATE: Amanda Lang has been in a relationship with an RBC Board Member since at least early 2013, including the time she was reporting on the RBC temporary foreign worker scandal.

SECOND UPDATE: CBC’s Kathy Tomlinson speaks to CANADALAND about Lang and the RBC scandal here.

Last month CANADALAND reported that CBC Senior Business Correspondent Amanda Lang took lucrative speaking jobs from insurance companies and then gave them positive news coverage on CBC TV.

That was nothing.

Multiple sources within CBC News have revealed to CANADALAND, under condition of anonymity, a shocking campaign Amanda Lang undertook in 2013 to sabotage a major story reported by her colleague, investigative reporter Kathy Tomlinson.

Key details of these events have been confirmed to CANADALAND by Tomlinson’s spouse, Alan Fryer, a former W-FIVE reporter and Washington Bureau chief for CTV News.

Tomlinson herself declined to comment. CBC employees can be fired for responding to media requests without management’s permission.

Amanda Lang did not respond to CANADALAND’s request for comment.

Our investigation reveals that:

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