
All Of The Rebel’s Ongoing Lawsuits Against The Media

(That we know of.)

Ezra Levant’s first lawsuit against the media came in 1993, when, while a student at the University of Calgary, he took the campus paper to court over a letter it printed about him. The case, which included future MP Rob Anders as a co-plaintiff, was eventually settled without costs.

In the following years, the conservative pundit turned “commander” of far-right Rebel Media would continue to avail himself of the courts to correct what he saw as injuries to his reputation. But few of these suits were against actual media outlets, and he would just as often find himself on the other side of such claims.

Last year, that changed. For the first time since its 2015 founding, The Rebel took a publication to court. And then, two months later, it sued another. And another. And another. (Around the same time, Levant announced The Rebel would be embarking on a larger “stop deplatforming” strategy to take legal action against “leftist bullies.”)

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