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“I Remember John Furlong”

John Furlong, a man accused of abusing aboriginal children, is staging a comeback. His accusers, now grown, have been excluded from national media coverage of his return to public life.

In what has become a battle between John Furlong and Laura Robinson, the voices of eight First Nations individuals have been excluded, omitted and ignored. Yet none of them have recanted their allegations.

CANADALAND presents their words now.

Peter Mansbridge Officiated the Wedding of Justin Trudeau’s Director of Communications

Did you see Peter Mansbridge’s report on Justin Trudeau? Yes, the one where they ride on a bus.

Andrew Coyne’s Troubles at the Post

CANADALAND spoke to eight of Andrew Coyne’s colleagues who provided context for his time as editor. Coyne himself declined to comment for this piece.

Andrew Coyne v The National Post

CANADALAND has learned that though Coyne the editor has signed off on an official National Post Harper endorsement, Coyne the columnist planned to endorse a different candidate under his own byline. But the National Post won’t run it.

Globe and Mail Refused to Interview Thomas Mulcair for its 10,000-Word Profile of Thomas Mulcair

The Globe and Mail has published a huge feature on Thomas Mulcair, written by Jeffrey Simpson, and it’s nothing like the tender, eight-page backrub Ian Brown gave Justin Trudeau in the same section one week ago. Trudeau got the benefit of an interview. Mulcair did not, despite offering to talk to the Globe, twice.

Did a Liberal Campaign Make an Issue of Opponent’s Non-Mom Status or Did Ricochet Botch a Story?

Oh God, this is needlessly complicated.

Deep breath and here we go:

#HairGate: What Really Happened

How the National Post Censored Canada’s most Famous Writer

Buck 65 Breaks Silence on Assault Allegation

CANADALAND first reached out to Terfry with questions this past April. We received no response. We asked again last week, seeking comment through his editor, his management, and Terfry directly. We received no response, so we sent a reporter to his book-signing at a Toronto library. She was also denied comment.

Yesterday, Rich Terfry responded to CANADALAND:

Calling Bullshit on Buck 65’s Book about Bullshit

Last April, Rich Terfry was apologizing for his fabrications. Now he’s selling them.

The musician/CBC host’s book, Wicked and Weird, was originally subtitled “The True Tale of Buck 65.” It was released Tuesday as “The Amazing Tales of Buck 65.”

Releasing a book about himself that’s full of fabrications is an odd move for a guy who is supposedly through with “creating a false image of [him]self” and lying to the world.

John Geiger and Stephen Harper

As the financial relationship between the RCGS and the federal government flourished, so too has the public relationship between RCGS CEO John Geiger and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Geiger has lent the Prime Minister the approval of his venerable institution – perhaps the oldest non-profit environmental group in Canada. He has honoured Harper at RCGS galas and created photo opportunties for the Prime Minister to be seen as a champion of Canada’s natural grandeur, its geography and history. The Prime Minister has created photo opportunities for Geiger as well.