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Reporting Monsef’s Story Without Context is Irresponsible Journalism
BREAKING: The Globe and Mail learns that refugee claimants fleeing from conflict zones have more complicated histories than those who have settled in one peaceful state for centuries....
Newfoundland Premier Blocks Pikachu From Press Conference
The Newfoundland and Labrador premier’s office has decided that you can’t be a journalist if you’re dressed like a giant Pokémon character....
NOT SORRY: Pretty Gouda Journalism
“we're living in the post-watermelon era”
NOT SORRY: Peacock Pose
It feels like ages since we had a National Conversation (trademark pending).
Short Cuts
#61 Rap Amnesty for Wab Kinew
As Wab Kinew campaigns in Manitoba, the media has seized on his misogynistic rap lyrics from the past. A reporter for The Rebel claims she was doused in pee and the story only gets stupider the closer you look. And have we reached peak Justin Trudeau?
NOT SORRY: Spiralling Downwards
There was some media news, but: Peter Mansbridge as a moose. I feel like that one speaks for itself.
NOT SORRY: Steak and Gossip
"There's this terrible myth that Canadians are funny."
The Shock Absorber
The Griffin Poetry Prize's Ties to a Saudi Arms Deal
Ezra Levant’s Goons Threw Me Out of His “Open, Non-Partisan, Public” Meeting
I’d become somewhat of a thorn in Levant’s side, it was my possession of the only recording of his racist anti-Roma tirade after Sun News thought they’d effectively purged it from existence - a recording which aided in forcing him to, again,...